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Including shipping in the Netherlands!



Be the first to get rid of your cards by making a formula and giving the answer to the formula.

Fun, educational and challenging!

Family game for all ages and perfect to play on holiday.


Age: 6+

2-5 persons

Game duration: 10-15 minutes


This box has the expansion set (Genius Edition) included. The genius edition adds negative numbers, fractions, square and square root to the base game. It can be made as challenging or as simple as you want. 

10+ years

2-4 players

Game duration: 10-20 minutes


Recommended by teachers and the Netherlands Mathematical Institute


How Math Games Can Help Students Build Confidence and Enjoy Learning

Math can be a challenging subject for many students, causing them to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. However, incorporating math games into their learning experience can be a fun and effective way to boost their confidence and enjoyment of the subject. Math games like Formula allow students to practice their skills in a low-pressure environment, which can help them to build confidence in their abilities. Additionally, by adding a competitive element, students can be motivated to improve their skills and strive for success. Math games can also make learning more engaging and interactive, helping students to stay focused and interested in the subject. Whether it's through online games, board games, or other fun activities, incorporating math games into the classroom or at home can make a positive impact on a student's learning experience. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of math games and provide some examples of games that can help students build confidence and enjoy learning.

The Importance of Building Confidence in Math

Confidence is a crucial factor in a student's success in math. When students lack confidence in their abilities, they are less likely to take risks and try new things. This can lead to a lack of participation in class and a lack of motivation to learn. On the other hand, when students have confidence in their abilities, they are more likely to take risks and try new things, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject.

Math games provide an excellent opportunity for students to build their confidence in a low-pressure environment. Games like Formula allow students to practice their skills without the fear of failure. They can make mistakes and try again without the fear of being judged. This can help students build their confidence in their abilities and reduce their anxiety towards the subject.

Moreover, math games can also provide instant feedback to students. This feedback can help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, providing them with the opportunity to improve and build their confidence in their abilities.

How Math Games Can Help Students Enjoy Learning

Math games can make learning more fun and engaging for students. Traditional learning methods can be monotonous and uninteresting, leading to a lack of motivation and interest in the subject. However, math games provide a fun and interactive way for students to learn and practice their skills.

Games like Prodigy allow students to learn math concepts through a story-based adventure game. Students can solve math problems to progress through the game, making learning fun and engaging. Similarly, games like Formula provide a fun and challenging environment for students to practice their math skills. These games provide students with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, making them more likely to enjoy learning.

Moreover, math games can also help students develop a positive attitude towards the subject. When students enjoy learning math, they are more likely to see the subject as fun and interesting. This can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject, leading to better academic performance.

The Benefits of Using Math Games in the Classroom

Incorporating math games into the classroom can provide numerous benefits for both teachers and students. Math games can help teachers make learning more engaging and interactive, leading to better student participation and interest in the subject.

Moreover, math games can also provide teachers with a useful tool to assess student's understanding of the subject. Games like Kahoot provide teachers with instant feedback on their student's performance, allowing them to identify areas of weakness and adjust their teaching accordingly.

Math games can also help teachers differentiate their instruction. Games like DreamBox provide students with personalized learning experiences, adapting to their abilities and providing them with the appropriate level of challenge.

Examples of Popular Math Games for Students

There are numerous math games besides Formula that are available for students, each providing a unique learning experience. Here are some popular math games that can help students build confidence and enjoy learning:

### Prodigy

Prodigy is a story-based adventure game that allows students to learn math concepts through gameplay. Students can solve math problems to progress through the game, making learning fun and engaging.

### Kahoot

Kahoot is a game-based learning platform that allows teachers to create quizzes and games for their students. Kahoot provides instant feedback to teachers on their student's performance, allowing them to identify areas of weakness and adjust their teaching accordingly.

### DreamBox

DreamBox is an adaptive learning platform that provides personalized learning experiences for students. DreamBox adapts to each student's abilities, providing them with the appropriate level of challenge.

### Math Blaster

Math Blaster is a fun and challenging game that allows students to practice their math skills in a game-based environment. Students can compete with each other or against the computer, making learning fun and engaging.

How Teachers Can Incorporate Math Games into Their Lesson Plans

Incorporating math games into lesson plans can be an effective way to make learning more engaging and interactive. Here are some tips for teachers to incorporate math games into their lesson plans:

### Identify Your Learning Objectives

Before incorporating math games into your lesson plans, identify your learning objectives. This will help you choose the appropriate game that aligns with your learning objectives.

### Introduce the Game Slowly

Introduce the game slowly to your students. Make sure they understand the rules and objectives of the game before they start playing.

### Provide Feedback

Provide feedback to your students as they play the game. This feedback can help them identify their strengths and weaknesses, providing them with the opportunity to improve and build their confidence in their abilities.

### Use Math Games as a Supplement

Math games should be used as a supplement to traditional learning methods. They should not replace traditional learning methods but rather enhance them.

Tips for Parents to Encourage Their Children to Use Math Games at Home

Parents can also play a crucial role in encouraging their children to use math games at home. Here are some tips for parents to encourage their children to use math games at home:

### Choose the Right Game

Choose a game that aligns with your child's interests and abilities. This will make the game more engaging and enjoyable for your child.

### Set Goals

Set goals for your child to achieve while playing the game. This will provide them with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

### Celebrate Achievements

Celebrate your child's achievements while playing the game. This will help build their confidence in their abilities and encourage them to continue playing.

### Play Together

Play the game together with your child. This will provide them with an opportunity to learn from you and build a stronger relationship with you.

The Impact of Technology on Math Games and Learning

Technology has played a significant role in the development of math games and learning. With the advancement of technology, math games have become more interactive and engaging, providing students with a unique learning experience.

Moreover, technology has also made math games more accessible to students. With the availability of smartphones and tablets, students can access math games from anywhere, at any time. One of the best places to go of course is where you can play Formula online and for free!

However, the overuse of technology can also have negative effects on student learning. Students can become too reliant on technology, leading to a lack of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Studies on the Effectiveness of Math Games in Improving Student Performance

Numerous studies have shown that math games can be an effective tool in improving student performance. A study conducted by the University of North Carolina found that students who played math games had a significantly higher level of math achievement than those who did not.

Similarly, a study conducted by the National Foundation of Educational Research found that students who played math games had a more positive attitude towards the subject, leading to better academic performance.

Conclusion on the Power of Math Games for Student Success

Math games can be a powerful tool in improving student confidence and enjoyment of the subject. They provide a fun and engaging way for students to learn and practice their math skills, leading to better academic performance. Moreover, incorporating math games into the classroom or at home can provide numerous benefits for both teachers and students. With the advancement of technology, math games have become more interactive and accessible to students, providing them with a unique learning experience. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate math games into the learning experience of students to help them build confidence and enjoy learning.